Annezen Birth Preparation Training provides an opportunity for mothers to get in touch again with the inner strength they already have. In this sense it is not a training but it is a reminder of what you already possess!

Our education is recognized by the international institutions Lamaze International, Active Birth and HypnoBirthing®.

Our training includes:

  • Theoretical information about the physical process of giving birth
  • Dealing with fears about the birth and the physical effects these fears can have on the birth itself
  • What are the Birth Hormones
  • How the most effective hormone release occurs
  • Ways to cope with contractions
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Meditation and Imagining Techniques
  • Active Birthing Positions
  • Doctor-Mother to be Communication
  • Possible obstetric interventions during the birth
  • What awaits for you at the hospital
  • What your options are
  • The reasons for Cesarean sections, and Cesarean section methods that are respectful to mother and baby
  • First contact and bonding with your baby
  • What awaits your baby at the hospital
  • Basic Breastfeeding Information

Our training informs couples about evidance-based medical practices; so that they can participate in the birth process in accordance with their own preferences, can feel satisfied after the birth, and can bring their babies into the world with compassion and love from the outset, we want couples to participate the trainging together in order to develop mutual understanding during labor.

Group Leader

Ayca Yılmaz


International Active Birth and Hypnobirthing® certified Instructor

International Lamaze approved IDA Childbirth Preparation Instructor.



0533 5143826

Also see:

Letters from the attendants.